Niyi Aromolaran





My name is Adeniyi Nehemiah Adebayo Abidemi AROMOLARAN, an old boy of Government College Lagos, I was admitted in 1977 and graduated in 1982.

Niyi Aromolaran

To the glory of the Almighty God, I consider it a very humbling opportunity to stand for election to the highest office as the President of our old boys association, and I sincerely appreciate those of my fellow old boys who have placed their trust in me to represent them and other old boys in such a capacity.

I am credited with being a transformational and innovative Leader, a social Entrepreneur, an insightful Teacher, a Coach and Mentor, a Poet and Writer, a Political Diplomat, the Husband of one woman for 23 years, a committed Father to 4 lovely Children, a faithful Minister and a accountable Son and Prince of the Aromolaran Royal Family of Ijesaland, Osun State, Nigeria.

Over the years I have to come appreciate and accept certain guiding principles as a yardstick to shape and pattern my life and those of the people around me, a number of these beliefs are age long and pristine:
I believe that:

1. Time is the measure and currency of Life and it should be utilized wisely
2. Once you leave undone what is to be done today, you position yourself for failure with excess work
3. Success is predictably
4. The journey to success has no elevator or lift, so you have to take the staircase, a step at a time
5. Whatever needs to be done, and no matter how much is to be done, break it down to small pieces and find a way to link up the small pieces
6. Consistent smart hard work yields the desired result
7. A group of individuals connected by and for a common goal and outcome can achieve
unimaginable things
8. Failure is not an end by the way not to do something, so we find a better way
9. Partnership, collaboration and cooperation in truth and honesty enables people to be successful
all the time
10. Helping light the candle of other people keeps my own candle lighted and burning
11. Before you tell me how much you know, please show me how much you care
12. God and HIS will is supreme

I am passionate about “people” and “business” development solutions, and I currently hold the
responsibility as the Chief Resource Officer/Country Team Lead @ Nehemiah Resources Limited, Africa’s innovative “people” and “Business Development solutions Firm with our Corporate Office located in the Lekki axis of Lagos.

Prior to this responsibility I have been involved in People and Business Strategy formulation and
deployment, Process re-engineering, mergers and acquisitions, financial derivatives and syndication, Business transformation and turnaround both with governments, corporates and individuals.

I had served in the Capacity of Group Head, Corporate Development & Strategy, Divisional Head,
Corporate Services, Head, Public Sector Consulting, Financial Services and Key private sector businesses.

I was a Team Lead for the redesign and execution of the Federal Government Medium Term Expenditure Framework during the Obasanjo Administration, a World bank funded project.

We have and still support the development of SMEs, leading and promoting many initiatives in that regard, a few are piloted through our social enterprise platform, the Nehemiah Aromolaran Foundation.

NAF (Nehemiah Aromolaran Foundation warehouses the corporate social responsibility agenda for Nehemiah Resources Limited, through four key projects, namely:

  1. YPIP – Young People Internship Program
  2. EDP4W – Enterprise Development Program for Women
  3. PPMP – Polishes Pillars Mentoring Platform
  4. NYSCEDP – National Youth Service Corps Enterprise Development Program

I belong and also serve on a number of other platforms such as:
1. Member, Ikoyi Club 1938
2. Member, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria
3. Member, Society for Human Resources Management, USA
4. Senior Member, Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria
5. Member, Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered)
6. Member, Nigerian Institute of Training & Development
7. Honorary Financial Secretary (First as Honorary Deputy Financial Secretary) for The Nigeria Britain Association
8. Pioneer Chairman, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) for Ikoyi, Lekki, Ajah Badore (First as Interim Chairman)
9. Chairman, Conference Planning Committee for CIPM, Lagos State Branch
10. Chairman, Career Talk Committee, Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered)
11. Facilitator with the GLA Empowerment Program
12. Executive Vice Chairman, Cakes “R” Us Confectioners
13. Editorial Head, The Enterprise News



It is with great pleasure, passion, commitment and dedication to a collective cause I talk about what is possible and achievable for the Old Boys Association of our great school, GCL.

Before I proceed to delve into my thoughts for the next 2 years, permit me to express an unqualified appreciation to all the old boys (Men?), who have volunteered their time and sowed seeds of sacrifice to bring the association to where it is today, we must not and cannot throw or do away with those “Building Blocks” year, Thank you, Gentlemen.

My fellow old Boy, the core of our agenda, its vision and mission will be around the word “Leverage”

Therefore our campaign slogan is “Leverage …..Creating platforms for expressions”

We propose to leverage on our collective aspirations, dreams desires and goals to emplace the old boys association as a global reference and rallying platform for all who are connected to us either as an old boys, present student, teachers and staff of the school.

We also propose to promote and run an integrated participatory volunteering ownership mindset Leadership structure.

We also propose to promote and run an integrated participatory volunteering ownership mindset Leadership structure.

Under the Leverage Agenda for the old boys we will promote 4 Keys Platforms thus:

1. Enhance Social/Business/Political Interactions
2. Enhance the visibility of the Association
3. Enhance engagement with Government and other stakeholders
4. Enhance Enterprise Development


Without falling foul of the constitution of the association, we propose to promote the following:

1. A strong and robust Class Group and/or Regional (For our Old Boys outside Nigeria) Connectivity programs to leverage Platform 1 above.
2. An active involvement with social enterprise initiatives across the Nation and outside, by lending our voice to key national and global issues through agreed representation
3. A robust non-confrontational engagement strategy with the Lagos State Government
4. A balanced enterprise coaching, mentoring and supportive career program most especially for present students to encourage in the right direction with the right perspective to living that was not available to most of us at the time when we were leaving school, which is evident in the choices most old boy have made.
5. We propose to invest in a strong Administrative support system to assist with the coordination and execution of the agendas.

We will institute 4 annual programs that will focus on each of the 4 platforms highlighted above. Each program will hold in each quarter.

1. An Annual “Knowledge is Light” Public Lecture, the lecture theme will focus on key National issues with a Key notable Speaker.
2. An Annual “Knowledge is Light” Youth Development Program, the focus will be to encourage and highlight notable inventions, creative works/Arts and/or poetry excellence among young people in Lagos State in the first Instance and Nationwide/Global in the long run.
3. An Annual “Knowledge is Light” Wellness “Walk 4 Life”, the focus will be to organize a walk in alliance and/or partnership with one or two recognized umbrella bodies for people living with social challenges with the aim of raising funds, creating awareness while achieving awareness and recognition for the association at the same time
4. An Annual “Knowledge is Light” Enterprise Empowerment Program, the focus is both on present students, teachers/Staff and old boys in need of re-orientation, direction and support.

We believe that if we can execute the above it will enhance membership and support for the old boys association and impact our bottom-line positively.

We equally believe that the above platforms can easily be replicate within other regions with slight adjustments in focus with the aim of achieving visibility and awareness which will affect membership, old boys support and bottom-line on the long run.


I had earlier stated that we promote an integrated participatory, volunteering ownership mindset Leadership structure, with a strong and dynamic administrative support mechanisms and a succession plan that will ensure a level of succession for sustainability and continuity in line with global orientation for such bodies.

In that wise we propose to put in place the following Administrative framework:
1. A Strategic Planning & Implementation Committee (SPIC) comprising the EXCO with a representative of each class groups and the regions by default to be responsible for developing the framework and dimensions for the execution of the 4 platforms in line with “Leverage …Creating platforms for expressions”
2. 1 or 2 or 3 members of the EXCO with 1 or 2 or 3 Class Groups or Region that volunteers or is chosen will take up the responsibility to execute each of the platforms.
These are my initial thoughts, painstaking and deep rooted, I neither claim any more knowledge that an average old boy, which is the main reason I am proposing we organize our EXCO around a participatory, volunteering, ownership minded Leadership, a strong Administrative framework and involvement at all levels to enable cross fertilization of ideas, thoughts and processes.

Before I graciously end what is my value proposition, I want to restate in simple terms that:
1. There is no magic wand or magic words or miracle to and for success
2. There is just one way to success, its consistent, dedicated smart hard long with a clear focus, set with time dictated goals and objectives
3. To be successful keep your goals and objectives to a maximum of 4 things just a balanced stool, chair or table.
4. To be successful let there be active engagement, empowerment, collaboration and discuss at all levels

In humble recognition of the task ahead for the next two years I warmly submit myself to serve the old boys association of my school, Government College Lagos in the capacity of President, and I also invite other like-minded Old Boy to present themselves in other capacities within the EXCO for election to join me in the execution of this Agenda if you find it compelling enough to make the required sacrifice.

Thank you,
God Bless GCL, Up School
God Bless GCLOBA
God Bless Lagos State
God Bless Nigeria
God Bless all the Regions where our Old Boys reside and make a living

Adeniyi Aromolaran, MCIPM, MNIM, MITAD

