The GCL Spirit in action – Taiwo Afolayan

The GCL Spirit in action – Taiwo Afolayan

The saying “Charity begins at home” is an agelong saying designed for humans to look inward when carrying out charitable acts or activities.

This is the story of a distinguished GCL old boy who sacrificed his time to ensure GCL  students get motivated and lifted morally.

Taiwo Afolayan is an Old boy from one of the millenium sets, the 2002 set to be precise. Growing up in Orile, he had to trek to GCL and back daily just to get education. He explained his plight saying ‘ it wasn’t funny back then, sometimes we had to sit on stones or on chairs we made by ourselves as there was no provision for chairs either from the School or from the government.

Years later, Taiwo who now works with a multinational auditing firm – PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) limited as a finance and accounting expert, just as a River never forgets its source, Taiwo never forgot his GCL root.

His love for GCL ensured he spent 3 weeks of his most recent annual leave as a volunteer teacher in GCL, where he taught Mathematics to students from JS1 – SS3.

Sharing his experience, Taiwo said  “ I decided to inspire the younger ones through pep talks and Mathematics class, you don’t have to be rich to give back to the society, neither do you need a lot of time to do so “. Perhaps a shocking discovery revealed by Taiwo is the unpleasant reality that most of the GCL students even at SS3 level, have no clue about what they want to do in future” .

Sharing her observation from Taiwo’s time at the School with the President of GCLOBA, Mrs Teru ( Principal GCL senior School) had high commendations for Taiwo. In her exact words he came here daily and was really helpful in the three weeks he spent with us…. He taught the students Mathematics and Financial Accounting…. He went into all classes with instructional materials… his time here was motivating for the students and good for us as a School.

Taiwo’s story is one worth sharing.  Moved by the condition of students in GCL, he made certain contacts aimed at mobilizing professionals to help GCL students maximise their potentials. He is also working towards getting a United Nations Ambassador into GCL to further motivate the Students and  make them realise how much potential they possess.

With this act, Taiwo Afolayan has showcased the GCL spirit of commitment, dedication and sacrifice to School.

To read up more on Taiwo’s experience from his time in GCL as a volunteer teacher, please click on the links provided below.

Up School!!

Up GCL!!!

Marvin Odih,


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