Top Ten Moments of 2018 in GCLOBA – 1

1. Reunions and Celebration of the Brotherhood

The GCLOBA Spirit 2018 witnessed lots of reunions across class sets. Members of various class sets from all corners of the world assembled to rekindle old flames and reignite old memories . It was remarkable as each of these class sets gave something back to the School. The Reunion which had came with various theme, all served a singular purpose – Unite old friends, promote GCL.

From the 1988 set, the 1989 set, 1992 set, 1993 set , 2003 set,  to the 2007 set, the message remained the same.

The diaspora members were not left out as GCLOBA Members in North America all gathered in Maryland and Washington DC from the 26th to the 28th of November  for the third reunion of the body. As 2018 rolls by one can comfortably describe 2018 as the year of Reunions. We hope to see more Reunions and events from class sets in 2019.  However something more remarkable than the Reunions must be the GCL Spirit. This GCL Spirit makes old boys give to the School. This GCL Spirit of giving was massively witnessed in 2018.   Whenever the School called, an old boy was there to answer.   The 88 set presented Chairs,  Tables, Notebooks  and Cash to the School.

The 89 set presented Jerseys to the School team.

The 92 set presented Notebooks to the School.

The 93 set presented a standard Table Tennis Board to the School.   An anonymous old boy employed an ICT Teacher for GCL. New Badges were presented to the School by GCLOBA courtesy of donations from Old boys .

New Uniforms have been paid for by the Old boys. Caps, Ties and other accessories for the school are on course for delivery to the school in 2019. GCLOBA also played a pivotal role in the success of the School’s Inter house sports.

In Summary, 2018 has been a year of Reunions, Generousity, and more giving by GCLOBA .
In the new year, the association is poised to change the face of our school, trail the blaze, forge new partnerships, establish new frontiers and we will shine according to our creed.
Let’s do it again in 2019 and beyond.
Up School!!!
Knowledge is light.

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