42nd Founders Day

42nd Founders Day

The President, Executives, Members of the Old Boys' Association, The Principals, Staff and Students of Government College Lagos Cordially invites you to the Annual 42nd Founder's Day event scheduled to take place from Sunday September 18, 2016 to Saturday...

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Interview with Inspiration FM – July 30 2016

The National President of the GCLOBA and Assistant General Secretary recently had an interview with Inspiration FM Radio Station to discuss the plans and future of GCL & the GCLOBA.  

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Protected: GCLOBA EU 2016 Reunion

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2016 Valedictory Service & Prize Giving/Awards Day

2016 Valedictory Service & Prize Giving/Awards Day

The school year session is now coming to an end. Its time to draw the curtains and applaud the high performers and achievers in 2016 at our great school, GCL. Many have burnt the night candle and toiled tirelessly...

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Scholarship Links

Scholarship Links

Hi All, Just in case you have friends and relatives who may wish to apply - 2016 Commonwealth Scholarships for Master’s and PhD study in the UK (Fully Funded) Application Deadline: 19 November 2016 www.opportunitiesforc africans.com/2016-commonwealth-scholarships-for-masters-and-phd-study-in-the-uk-fully-funded/ Please apply... & don't forget to share...

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Sam Onigbanjo – A GCL Old Boy

Sam Onigbanjo – A GCL Old Boy

The Government College Lagos, Eric Moore has been in the forefront of producing change agents and leaders in every sphere of human endeavor. These fine gentlemen are littered and spread all across the globe doing great exploits. Here is...

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Lend A Hand – GCLOBA Social Initiative ~ Version 3

Lend A Hand – GCLOBA Social Initiative ~ Version 3

The GCLOBA National Chapter under the leadership of President Niyi Aromolaran recently launched and kicked off the Lend A Hand ~ Social Initiative campaign. Seeing the deplorable condition of some of the current students, we really can't look the...

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Current Images from School – January 2016

Current Images from School – January 2016

These images were sent in from our colleagues on ground at our school.  See images here..... The images paint a sordid picture, one of neglect and deliberate ruin. But it need not be so. Against this backdrop, we make an...

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